Thursday, February 8th, 2024

 Today we: 

  • Practiced new tricks and timed ourselves in P.E. to see how much our skipping has improved so far in this unit
  • Learned what theme is and used the topics and problems/resolutions in "A Rover's Story" to support use in identifying the different themes - the students did a create job with this task!
  • Discussed how we solved some our independent practice questions for adding and subtracting decimals as we continued to spend time estimating, using the standard algorithm, and checking our work using the inverse operation
  • Attended our second Minecraft Education meeting to learn how to code in Minecraft - we all successfully made it rain chickens!
  • Finished our States of Matter assignment and began drawing pictures and examples of important mixture vocabulary we had learned so far in our Classroom Chemistry unit

  • Friday, February 9th: Winter Community Walk - Please support your student in dressing for the weather (winter coat, boots, mitts, toque)


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