Week of April 15th - 18th, 2024
This week we:
- Finished our second week of Drum Fit in P.E.
- Learned more about the Green Line and Haultain Park in Downtown Calgary before deciding which we'd like to build in for our Level Up Calgary Minecraft project
- Practiced creating different multiplication and division algebraic equations to match various types of word problems
- Learned about the prefix "sub" and the different forms it comes in with various words
- Began our Human Sexuality unit by reviewing what we had learned about puberty in Grade 4 as well as learning about the journey of the egg
- Read/highlighted important information from the City of Calgary Resilency Plan and categorized our ideas about, "What makes a place great to live in?" into the different Social, Economic, and Climate Resiliences
- Completed a check-in about multiplication and division algebraic expressions to see if we could create our own word problems and equivalent equations to match a given expression
- Created our sketches of our builds for our Level Up Calgary Minecraft projects
- Tuesday, April 23 – SPIRIT DAY: Dress as Your Favourite Book Character Day - Your child can dress up fully as their favourite book character, or wear something small that gives a hint at what character they might love. (Such as wearing a paper bag crown for Elizabeth in ‘The Paper Bag Princess’; mouse ears for the mouse in ‘If You Give a Mouse a Cookie’; or a lightening bold on the cheek for Harry in ‘Harry Potter’; etc.)
- Thursday, April 25 – 3:30-6:30 – Book Fair open for sales in the Learning Commons
- Thursday, April 25 - 4:30-6:00 - Family Literacy Event Open House
- Thursday, April 25 – 4:30-7:30 – Food Trucks on-site to purchase food if you like.
- Wednesday, April 25 – SPIRIT DAY: Stop, Drop and Read Day - Students will carry a book everywhere with them throughout the day and will stop to read whenever they hear an announcement. They can choose to bring a favourite book from home on this day if they would like.
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