Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

 Today we: 

  • Wrote our Elaborative Detail paragraphs about our class pumpkin using the five sense specific details we noted yesterday
  • Explored different websites to add to our "Learned" category of our KWL chart about the Mars Rovers
  • Completed to check-in to show what we know about the life cycle of a frog
  • Wrote and ordered some numbers from 1 - 10 000 000 by working as a class to line up our numbers
  • Had a chance to learn some coding as part of Hour of Code: Minecraft's Journey 

  • Wednesday, November 1st – Papa Johns Pizza Night (use code NLS15 with the Panorama location if ordering) 
  • November 2 – Virtual Pumpkin Patch / Fall Family Fun pictures due to Mrs. Brinson for those interested in having their picture in the video


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