Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

 Today we: 

  • Planned our Elaborative Detail segments of our Creation Stories using our five senses and specific detail to describe our character before they got their adaptation 
  • Read a series of books about Mars Rover on Epic Books and finished taking notes for our KWL chart
  • Created a rover in Makerspace using what we had learned from our research
  • Learned about where numbers to ten million fit on the place value chart before solving some riddles about large numbers
  • Watched a tutorial about how to create Tim Burton inspired selfies and started practicing creating some of our own in Art

  • November 2 – Virtual Pumpkin Patch / Fall Family Fun pictures due to Mrs. Brinson for those interested in having their picture in the video
  • IMPORTANT | Pick Up Plans and Letting us Know

    Hello families,

    For safety, it is CRITICAL that teachers know what the plan is for your child at the end of the day and that if it changes, this is communicated by parents / guardians to our staff. (We cannot take the word of children about their end of day plan when it is different.) 

    As much as possible, this plan should be as consistent each day and students should clearly know their plan.

    If your child is a bus student, please have them take the bus consistently when possible. If your child is a bus student, we will be putting them on the bus unless the teacher has heard from you the day before or you have informed the office prior to 3:30 when an emergent situation has come up. (Teachers do not check their email mid-day as they are busy with teaching and learning.)

    (Bus B students have assigned seating and should be in the seat number Mrs. Brinson and Mrs. Docherty have given them...they cannot chose their own seat.)

    Please also ensure your child knows their first AND last name and can clearly say their name to any staff member that is needing to know. If they don't, please help them learn it as soon as possible as this is a safety concern.

    We appreciate your support in this very important matter.

    Mrs. Brinson, Principal


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