Wednesday, September 14th/Thursday, September 15th, 2022

 Yesterday we: 

  • Used our knowledge of perimeter to calculate the perimeter of a baking sheet and determine how many strips of bacon would fit around it 
  • Had our Learning Commons orientation
  • Learned a blending technique with watercolour and painted our "You Be You" fish
  • Brainstormed different parts of our identity that make us unique
Today we: 
  • Practiced calculating area before working with our groups to try and calculate the area of a baking sheet
  • Had our Makerspace orientation
  • Started to write our own "Ode to Food" songs in Music, inspired by "The Corn Song"
  • Learned that "pourquoi" means "why" in French and listened to another Indigenous "Pourquoi" story about how different animals got their features


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