Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022

 Today we: 

  • Peer-Edited one another's Lorax Business Letters
  • Surveyed Ms. Nugent's class to add data to our double bar graph
  • Learned and practiced zendoodling for our next Art project
  • Recorded our Province/Territory presentation to share with our classmates tomorrow
  • Completed a fun Kahoot to see how much we already knew about Electricity prior to beginning our new Science unit!
To Note:
  • Friday, February 4th: We will be going for a Winter Walk to Nose Creek Park for Field Study Friday. Please ensure you child is properly dressed to go on this walk (winter jacket, snow pants, boots, mittens, toque). It will also be Pajama Day on this day so please support us in ensuring your child has packed enough warm clothing to go on our walk. 


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